Day 1 Prompt: Where is my happy place? Describe it – include sights, sounds, smells, taste, feel, emotions.
Where is my happy place?! The first thing I thought of when I read this prompt was “What?! I thought this was about me figuring out my business and… gah! How can I take this seriously?” But I noticed my strong reaction. There must be something here, why it irritated me so. Was there an expectation? It made me think about why this was important. I realized I needed to know where this is so I can get there. If my goal is to be in a better place, then I need to know where that is. So I sat down and said to myself: Ok. I need to do this. Part of me added, that I wasn’t going to like it.
But why not? Why not like it? I mean how could you not like your “happy place”. Then I started thinking about it — is it a real happy place? Or is it imagined? Does it exist on this physical plane or in another dimension or time? These are good questions to ask when you are a “woo”.
The store is just a representation – It is something that I can look back at and visualize. The creation of a space that is warm, welcoming and inviting. It is full of light and joy. A safe place for people to explore themselves and their own relationship to the divine and mystical. It is a place where people can talk together, learn together and grow together. A collective of spirits both made manifest here on the physical plane and in the spiritual realm. I’ve journeyed away, learned new things, and old things anew. I’m ready to make that place again. I’ve come full circle. I am ready to come home.