Day 9 Prompt: Memory – College/First time away from home.
Write about your first experiences ‘out of the nest’, whatever age that was. A time when you first felt yourself making decisions and having to survive free/independent of the ‘adults’ in your life.
While it was not the first time out of the nest exactly – the night my parents kicked me out is really when I was on my own. They didn’t want me to go, I didn’t want to go – but their ultimatums caught up with them. They had said that when the results of my California Proficiency Exam had arrived, they were going to kick me out and I would be on my own. At that point, with a high school education, they felt they had done their duty and they were done. I agreed. I couldn’t wait to start living my life on my own, and yet this moment was fraught with anger and betrayal. But I shouldn’t have expected this to be easy, when it came to my life, things were never easy.
Eventually, I found my way from homelessness – and in time I found employment and roommates. I could not have done this without the support of my friends along the way.
The life I had as a teen shaped me and molded me into the person I am today. I could have chosen to be more angry and bitter. I could have chosen to become manipulative, like my “mother”, and if not for some particularly good friends who slapped some sense into me I might have. I silently thank that particular friend every time I think of that moment. He taught me a very good lesson about why being an emotional blackmailer is bad and almost literally put the fear of the consequences of my actions into me.
Sometimes I wish that my life had been easier, that my parents more loving and supportive, but if they had been I do not think I would be who I am today. I have a deep knowledge and understanding of what it means to be without emotional support – so I do my best to give it to others where and when I can. I know what it is like to be without a home or food, and I am thankful that I am blessed with bounty today.