History of Roleplaying Games up to 2000. If I included everything after that - this image would probably need to be twice its present size if not more so. … [Read more...]
Nikolai Chergari
Reenactor with Tribe Roman Morga … [Read more...]
Arwen Ala Nagel
Two things I love, Nagel and Arwen from Lord of the Rings. … [Read more...]
Santee Food Bank
I initially created this example re-design for the Santee Food Bank for my Responsive Web Design class as an example to students for a simple design. It's a bit dated now since its 6 years old. I still think the code is clean. Below are links to files that are additional examples for the responsive … [Read more...]
Simple Quotes Plugin
This plugin lets you use a widget to place a random quote or testimonial that you have created in your site. This plugin creates a custom post type called 'quote' that allows you to create a set of quotes or testimonials. To create a quote once the plugin is installed, go to the dashboard and … [Read more...]