Ho’oponopono is an easy technique which frees us from all kinds of negative emotions and any destructive patterns which we may have picked up. It requires no formal training or initiation or a teacher. All you need is a quiet place, an open mind and willing attitude.
How to Do It
Sit in a quiet comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed. Take a couple of deep breaths.
Now think of a problem bothering you. It could be anything — a boss or coworker that’s troubling you or a former friend that’s hurt you. Any one that you have a problem and that problem needs to be healed. It can even be yourself. You sometimes need forgiveness from yourself.
Think of the situation. Think deeply about it and feel the emotions. Yes it could be and will be a bit painful but you have to think about it.
Now say these 4 sentences in this order:
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
I love you.
Thank you.
Keep repeating these four till you are fully satisfied and feel lighter. Ho’oponopono works across time and space and creates positive vibrations resolving even the toughest of issues. Here is to health, peace and finding resolution. Blessed Be.